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Life Lessons from 'School of Rock'

Aug 01, 2023

In my hometown, we have a summer movie series at a beautiful location by the river with a scenic view of the downtown skyline.  People bring lawn chairs or blankets to sit and watch the movie. It's like being at a drive-in minus the cars. And with food trucks and adult beverages – it's quite the event.

Last week's movie was the early 2000's classic, 'School of Rock.'  And boy does that film rock!  As I watched, it struck me – this isn't just a feel-good movie about a misfit substitute teacher turning prep school kids into rockstars. It's a veritable treasure trove of life lessons.

In the immortal words of our beloved Dewey Finn, let's "stick it to the man" (the man being life, in this case) and glean some wisdom from this rock 'n' roll rollercoaster ride.

1. Unleash Your Inner Rockstar – Authenticity Always Wins

"Raise your goblet of rock!" Dewey implores his class in one scene, pushing them to embrace their unique individuality. And that, my friends, is Lesson Numero Uno.

Remember when Dewey discovered Lawrence's keyboard skills, only to hear Lawrence say he wasn't cool enough? Dewey tells him, "You're not hardcore unless you live hardcore." That's the ethos right there - give it your all, and own who you are.

How many times have we, like Lawrence, doubted our 'coolness'?

Our greatest gifts and our highest purpose lie in our uniqueness. So, remember, be unapologetically you. That’s your real superpower.

2. Never Stop Learning - Maintain a Growth Mindset

Ah, remember when Dewey enters the classroom for the first time? Chaos personified. Here's a guy who doesn't know the first thing about teaching. Yet, he managed to wrangle a group of stiff-necked students into a cohesive, harmonious band. He not only imparted lessons but also learned from his experiences, adapting and growing with every setback.

Being a perpetual student of life doesn’t mean you have to spend your life in a library, wearing tweed and squinting at ancient texts (unless that's your thing, then you rock that tweed!). No, it’s about embracing the fact that you don’t know everything. And you know what? That’s okay. So keep learning, and keep growing.

3. Conventional Success Isn't the Only Success

Dewey wasn't exactly the poster boy for success. He was broke, kicked out of his band, and facing eviction. Yet, he managed to find joy and purpose in teaching these kids about the power of music.

Our society often shackles us with a very narrow definition of success – big paychecks, flashy cars, and a house that's Instagram-ready. But what about satisfaction, happiness, making a difference, or, you know, just being a rockin’ human being?

If you're like most of my clients, you're already successful at work in the traditional sense. But success isn’t always about the 'Ka-Ching' nor about getting the next promotion. It’s about striking that chord within you, the one that makes you feel alive and fulfilled.

So, as Dewey says, "Rock got no reason, rock got no rhyme," and neither does life, my friends. Remember to embrace your uniqueness, keep learning, and redefine success on your own terms.


I help emerging leaders find their authentic voice, and seasoned leaders amplify their impact.

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Here's to rocking your uniqueness,


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